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Here is the Abergele Fencing Club constitution, safeguarding policy and code of conduct. 

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Club Constitution

Club Constitution Abergele Fencing Club


For any enquiries please email: 


1.   Name

The club will be called Abergele Fencing Club (Hereinafter will be referred to as The Club) and it may also be known as AFC.


Abergele Fencing Club is affiliated to British Fencing.  


2.   Aims and Objectives

The purposes of the Club are to provide facilities for, and to promote participation in, the amateur sport(s) of Fencing in North Wales which will include

  1. Offer coaching and competitive opportunities

  2. Promote the club within the local community

  3. Ensure a duty of care to all members of the club

  4. Provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone

  5. Ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment.


3.   Membership

  • Membership of the club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.

  • The club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.

  • The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.

  • Members will pay membership fees of £5 per session attended as determined at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Sports Equity

    • This Club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development.

  • The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.

  • The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.

  • All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.


5.   Committee

  • The club will be managed through the Management Committee consisting of: Club President, Vice club president, Secretary, Treasury & Welfare officers. Only these posts will have the right to vote at meetings of the Management Committee.

  • If the post of any officer or ordinary committee member should fall vacant after such an election, the Club President shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the succeeding Annual General Meeting.

  • The Management Committee will be convened by the resident of the club and hold no less than one meeting per year.

  • The Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the club rules/regulations/constitution. The Committee will be responsible for taking any action of suspension or discipline following such hearings.

  • The Management Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of practice and rules that affect the organisation of the club.


6.   Officers of the Club

  1. The officers of the club will be:

  1. Club President – Jed Houghton

  2. Club vice President – Dylan Jones

  3. Club Secretary – Edward Tugwell 

  4. Club Treasurer – Pam Sykes

  5. Welfare/Safeguarding Officer (Non voting positions) – (Lead) Pam Sykes, Dave Bass & Jed Houghton


  • The Management Committee will have powers to appoint sub-committees as necessary and appoint advisers to the Management Committee as necessary to fulfil its business.

  • Officers will be elected annually at the annual general meeting (AGM). All officers will retire each year but will be eligible for reappointment.


7.   Finance

  • All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.

  • The club’s Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.

  • Any cheques drawn against club funds should hold the signature of the Treasurer, and be authorised by one other club official.

  • All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.


8.   Annual General Meetings

  • General Meetings are the means whereby the members of the Club exercise their democratic rights in conducting the Club’s affairs.


​The Club shall hold the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the month of September to:

  • Receive reports from the President and Secretary. 

  • Receive a report from the Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts. 

  • Receive a report from those responsible for certifying the Club’s accounts. 

  • Elect the officers on the committee. 

  • Agree the membership fees for the following year. 

  • Consider any proposed changes to the Constitution.

  • Deal with other relevant business.


  • Elections of officers are to take place at the AGM.

  • All members have the right to vote at the AGM.

  • The Management Committee has the right to call extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.

  • All procedures shall follow those outlined above for AGMs.


9.   Discipline and Appeals

  • All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the club’s child protection policy and procedures. The Club Welfare Officer is the lead contact for all members in the event of any child protection concerns.

  • The Management Committee will meet to hear complaints within 15 days of a complaint being lodged.

  • The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action, including the termination of membership.

  • The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 15 days of hearing.

  • There will be the right to appeal to the Management Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 15 days of the secretary receiving the appeal.


10. Dissolution

  • A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or extraordinary general meeting (EGM) through a majority vote of the membership.

  • In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will not be distributed or otherwise shared between the members of the club but will be transferred to a other local Welsh club, with the permission of Sport Wales for the Kit purchased with Grant funding for use by them in related community sports.


10. Amendments to the Constitution


The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.


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Anchor 2

Safeguarding policy

Abergele Fencing Club Safeguarding policy


Last Updated: 15/12/2023


For any enquiries please email:


The terms ‘child’ and ‘young person’ describe any person under the age of 18. References to ‘parents’ should be read as parents and carers inclusively.


What we’ll do


As part of our safeguarding policy we will:

  • promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk.

  • value, listen to and respect children and adults at risk.

  • ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation.

  • adopt safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct for staff and volunteers.

  • ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and is provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children, young people and adults at risk.

  • provide effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support,  training and quality assurance measures so that all staff and volunteers know about our  policies, procedures and behaviour codes and follow them confidently and competently.

  • ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents or concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual(s) who raise or disclose the concern.

  • ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored, in line with data protection legislation and guidance.

  • prevent the employment or deployment of unsuitable individuals by recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made. This includes having full and clear job/role descriptions and to interview potential applicants establishing the state of their knowledge of safeguarding principles, even when filling a volunteer position. Coaches working solely with adults do not require a criminal record check but may do so if they are working with predominantly adults at risk.

  • appoint a nominated safeguarding lead for children, young people and adults at risk and a lead board member for safeguarding.

  • make sure that adults at risk, children, young people and their parents know where to go for help if they have a concern.

  • ensure that safeguarding investigations can be undertaken appropriately.


Contact details/reporting a concern


Please note: It is not the responsibility of participants (whether coaches, staff, volunteers or Parents) to decide that abuse is taking place, but it is their responsibility to act on any concerns and report.


AFC takes all allegations and concerns raised seriously. The information provided will be referred to the relevant authorities as necessary.


If you become aware of or suspect that abuse or poor practice is taking place you must report it.


AFC Lead Safeguarding/Welfare Officer

Name: Pam Sykes


Tel: 01492 530605


AFC Second welfare officer

Name: Dave Bass



AFC Third welfare officer

Name: Jacob (Jed) Houghton


Tel: 07530 701601


In a safeguarding emergency, where a person is at immediate risk of harm, call 999.


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Anchor 3

Code of conduct 

Abergele Fencing Code of conduct 


The Welsh Fencing Code of Conduct can be found below. The purpose of the Welsh Fencing Code of Conduct is to define the minimum standards of behaviour and conduct.


Code of conduct: Code of Conduct (


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